Council Districts
Council District 1 Rick Weir (Vice-President)
Precincts – Highland, Eugene, Cayuga, Vermillion 2
Council District 2 Neil Costello
Vermillion 1, Dana, East Helt, St Bernice, Fairview 2
Council District 3 Tammie Brown
Fairview 1, Clinton City 1, Clinton City 2, Clinton City 3
Council District 4 Jeff Bose
Clinton Township 1, Clinton Township 2, Clinton Township 3, Clinton City 4
Council At-Large Kelly Summerville
Council At-Large Martin Brown
Council At-Large Ashley James (President)
Council Agenda Request
If you would like to be put onto the Council’s Agenda, please fill out this form, and email it to Brenda Furry at and Kylee Yocum at If you want to be on the agenda please send in the request a week before the meeting so we have time to get you on the agenda.
For questions contact Brenda Furry at 765-492-5300 or Contact Auditor
Meeting Minutes: Provides minutes from past Council Meetings.